Star Wars Recipe and Free Printable Food Label - Supreme Snokeanoff

Supreme Snokeanoff - Star Wars Themed Food
Star Wars Supreme Leader Snoke's Stroganoff AKA Supreme Snokeanoff
Supreme Leader Snoke's Stroganoff Free Printabel Food Label
Free Star Wars Printable Party Food Label
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Every day is Star Wars Day in our household if we can make it happen. Most days we do. My children are often amused at my creative ways to turn every dish into Star Wars food. :)

Last night's dinner was a vegetarian strognaoff dish called Supreme Snokeanoff. You can find the recipe for Supreme Leader Snoke's Stroganov on my other website, but you'll find the free printable party food label right here.

I hope you enjoy these recipes and Star Wars themed food labels as much as we do!
